


The Venice Agreement: Protecting Global Peatlands Locally was signed

This year, for World Peatlands Day and within the framework of the Venice Biennale, the Venice Agreement: Protecting Global Peatlands Locally was signed, a declaration promoted by WCS Chile, Ensayos, Greifswald Mire Centre, in collaboration with Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Academy and Ocean Space. This initiative seeks to protect peatlands around the world and establish local and regional commitments to the ecological and cultural management of these ecosystems.

The Venice Agreement: Protecting Global Peatlands Locally was signed
Graphic Explorations

Graphic Explorations for the Visual Identity of the Sanctuary and the Foundation →

The goal behind these graphic explorations is to express, convey, and translate the essence of the Meullín-Puye Sanctuary and the Kreen Foundation into a visual language. The goal behind these graphic explorations is to express, convey, and translate the essence of the Meullín-Puye Sanctuary and the Kreen Foundation into a visual language. The use of color combinations and a variety of textures is an attempt to represent the essential elements of the sanctuary, reflecting its richness and diversity.

Graphic Explorations for the Visual Identity of the Sanctuary and the Foundation →