What is a nature sanctuary?
Nature sanctuaries are land or marine areas that offer special or unique conditions and opportunities for the development of studies and research related to the fields of geology, paleontology, zoology, botany, and ecology, and whose conservation is of interest to science or the state.
What is a privately protected area?
Privately protected areas (PPA) are land or sea areas managed for conservation under private governance. Their main objective is the long-term conservation of biodiversity, its ecosystem functions, and associated cultural values.
What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a dynamic network of vegetable, animal, and microorganism communities, as well as the environment in which they develop, all of which interact as one functional unit. That is, it is a unit formed by biotic (or living beings) and abiotic (physical-chemical elements of the environment) factors, where vital interactions occur, energy flows, and matter circulates.
Why will this nature sanctuary be under conservation?
Because of its great value as an endemic biodiversity reserve of Patagonia in the Aysén Region. This sanctuary will make it possible to preserve ecosystems that have not been exposed to human intervention, as well as to protect species that are endangered or classified in categories of conservation and protection.
Ecosystem functions, such as the physical, biological, and geochemical processes that take place in an ecosystem, will also be conserved, allowing the creation of ecosystem services that contribute, either directly or indirectly, to the wellbeing of the population.
What are ecosystem services?
Ecosystem services are defined as the direct or indirect contribution of nature to human wellbeing. They are classified into the following groups:
- Provisioning (e.g., wood and water)
- Regulating (e.g., flood and pest control)
- Cultural (e.g., spiritual and recreational)
- Supporting (e.g., the water cycle)
What is a conservation target?
Conservation targets are communities, rivers, natural systems, species of flora and fauna, among others, that can be used as criteria to make decisions regarding the conservation, management, and protection of natural resources.
In the case of the Meullín-Puye Nature Sanctuary, the conservation targets are the following:
- Puye and other native fish
- Southern river otter
- Darwin’s frog and other native amphibians
- Humid temperate rainforest
- Wetlands and the water system
- Local history and heritage
- Geological formations
- Ecosystem services
Why is it important to protect the Meullín-Puye Nature Sanctuary?
Because of its great value as a reserve of the endemic Patagonian biodiversity in the Aysén Region, including a wide variety of native fauna, flora, and funga. It is one of the most pristine areas in Chilean Patagonia, comprised of a biodiversity-rich ecosystem covering 24,000 hectares that will be used for conservation.
Will it be possible to visit the sanctuary and carry out activities such as sports or tourism?
Studies are being done on the characteristics of the area, which has no traces of significant anthropic intervention. In this context, and considering that the main intention is to conserve the area due to its great value as a biodiversity reserve, in-depth research will first be carried out, before developing a management plan that addresses the conservation targets. Once this stage is complete, options will be evaluated regarding the possibility of developing observation points to allow visitors to enjoy the scenic beauty of the sanctuary.
What type of research will be carried out in the sanctuary?
Research will mostly be related to the study of biodiversity, geological formations, and physical elements of the landscape. Initially, research will be done on the conservation targets, the continental aquatic systems (e.g., wetlands, rivers, and lakes), and subantarctic forests (humid-temperate).
Who is responsible for protecting this sanctuary?
Protecting Meullín-Puye will be a shared responsibility between the community and the Kreen Foundation, which will be responsible for managing this new privately protected area (PPA).